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MGSU signed Memorandum of Understanding with Uttaranchal University, India

MGSU signed Memorandum of Understanding with Uttaranchal University, India

MGSU signed Memorandum of Understanding with Uttaranchal University, India
MGSU signed a Memorandum of understanding with Uttaranchal University (UU), India, at the online signing ceremony on June 14, 2023. The Memorandum was signed by the MGSU Rector Pavel Akimov and the UU Vice chancellor Prof. Dharam Buddhi.

MGSU was also represented by the Vice-rector Vera Galishnikova, Head of the International Cooperation Department Olga Makarova, Director of Institute of Economics, Management and Communications in the Field of Construction and Real Estate Alexandr Orlov. On the Indian side, the signing ceremony was also attended by Dr Saurav Dixit and Prof. Rajesh Singh. The parties exchanged plans for further cooperation, implementation of joint educational programs and prospects for joint research activity.

Speaking to the Indian colleagues, Rector Pavel Akimov stated that it is a great honor for MGSU to establish partner relationship with Uttaranchal University. It was highlighted that Uttaranchal University is rightly seen as one of the outstanding universities of India, providing its students with up-to-date educational standards, promoting research activity and implementing innovations to transform the community.

MGSU is actively developing cooperation with universities in Asian countries. The Memorandum of Understanding between MGSU and UU opens up rich prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation.

MGSU is looking forward to the dynamic cooperation for the future benefit development of both universities!

© 19.05.2024 | MGSU
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