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Participation of MGSU in the Conference of Erasmus + Jean Monnet CoHuSC project

Participation of MGSU in the Conference of Erasmus + Jean Monnet CoHuSC project

Participation of MGSU in the Conference of Erasmus + Jean Monnet CoHuSC project

On June 6-8, 2021, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Future of Human Smart Cities in Europe and Central Asia: challenges and opportunities” was held in Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). The Conference was held within the framework of the Erasmus + Jean Monnet project “Co-creation of EU Human Smart Cities (CoHuSC)”.

The Conference in a mixed format brought together students, young and recognized scientists, engineers, architects, representatives of IT companies from different cities of Russia, Europe and Central Asia, as well as active residents of Tomsk. The event was also attended by representatives of the Urban Planning Department of MGSU, in the person of the Head of the Department Nina Danilina, postgraduate student of the Department Irina Teplova and Associate Professor of the Department Aleksey Popov. The organizers held an extensive discussion on the issues of public participation in urban processes: the use of public spaces on pedestrian streets, the involvement of residents in the sustainable development of smart cities and the impact of disruptive technologies on society. The experts raised issues of participatory design technologies, information technology and urban digital platforms.

June 7, Associate Professor of the Urban Planning Department Aleksey Popov took part in the moderation of the project workshop “Project Management Practice: smart campus”.

On June 8, the Conference continued its work at the International Cultural Center of Tomsk Polytechnic University (ICC TPU). Workshops and round tables were held for the participants on the topics of a smart university campus and tools for co-creating a human-centered smart city.

The CoHuSC project is supported by the European Union's Erasmus + Jean Monnet program, which main objective is to bring a European dimension to higher education systems.

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